Monday, November 14, 2011

Targeting the Toys

I have decided to start my search on Amazon. Online shopping, or on couch shopping, seems like an easy place to start my search for toys (Christmas gifts) not made in China. Wrong! Apparently online retailers don’t have to state the country of origin. This doesn’t mean I won’t buy anything from Amazon, it just means that I won’t start my search there.
On to my favorite big box retailer. Seriously, I love Target. With two little kids and a house to maintain, I think one stop shopping is the best thing since sliced bread. But will I be successful here? Not at the dollar section. Essentially they could call the dollar section, the “made in China” section. I will admit that many times I have spent more than just one dollar at that particular section. We Americans love cheap goods.
A few days ago I had a few minutes to spend in Target doing some investigation in the toy section. In future posts I am going to highlight certain brands that stand out, but for now I will give you a synopsis of the toy selection as it relates to my quest: dismal. There were only a small percentage of the toys that weren’t made in China. Most dolls, cars, action figures, stuffed animals were made in China. Even board games. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. I am lucky in one way though, my kids are boys and they really like Legos. Legos are manufactured in Denmark, Mexico, and Hungary.

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